Traveler reviews for Seila Angkor Khmer Express

1503 Reviews

0 9 months

Jaques 9 months

Driver was not very friendly. Might have been a language issue.

Katerina 9 months

Good company, but the buses are not the most comfortable for such long trips. The guys are punctual, generally not bad.

1 9 months

Guilherme 9 months

On the overall it made it from one location to another but 2h late due to numerous stops made either by request or to the driver’s will

Traveller 291694 9 months

ជិះប៉ះតាកុងស្ទាវ វ៉ាគេឯង ជាន់ហ្វ្រាំងម្តងៗ ចង់ផ្ងារមកមុខ

សុខាលាភ 9 months

តៃកុងឡានមានសុជីវធម៌ សុភាពរាបសារ។ សូមអរគុណ🙏

Traveller 304554 9 months

1 9 months

Don’t stay too close to other vehicles while driving.

Von Phearom 9 months

Displaying ticket reviews 61 - 70 of 1503 in total