Traveler reviews for Ratanak Sambath Express Transportation

64 Reviews

Travel over 4 years

Bad travellor attribute, bad small, very cramped.

Traveller 94730 over 4 years

Super bad smell, space is very cramped, not clean. It's like a nightmare on this bus.

Alexa over 4 years

The bus never showed up. We had to catch a Taxi

Sven over 4 years

Bus came 45min late from rattanakiri. Was dirty. Took forever. With random stops and waiting for another mini van from the opposite direction to pick something up or talk.

Nora Seng over 4 years

S over 4 years

Bus was 2 hours late and very cramped.

Claire P over 4 years

I booked a seat in a van from banlung to PP and we were dropped at Kratie to another van that was horrible: no AC, windows broken, the driver was going very fast and never stopped for toilets, the rain was coming inside the van and he had no wipers...

Hana over 4 years

The space was very cramped and smelly. Not very clean.

Traveller 106045 over 4 years

Traveller 106045 over 4 years

Displaying ticket reviews 11 - 20 of 64 in total